
It all started like I’m sure most businesses start - the need to pay the bills. But what started as a result of stress and necessity soon morphed into a fun and creative journey that brought out a different side to me. A side that had inadvertently been suppressed by the cares of the world.

So why “GR8 I AM”?

I’m a firm believer and follower in the Creator -  I Am. He’s the way, the truth, and the life - all the things we need to make it in the world we live in. Its a phrase uncommon in the world but not to those who know Him. The aim is not only to wear the name - much like my favourite brand or sport team -  but to become an ambassador of the truth, and of the life. We are to be His brand

Let any piece of merch you buy leave the potential for a meaningful conversation between neighbours, and let your actions speak louder than your new tee :)


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